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The data set includes the full set of bib­liographic variables concerning each pat­ent ap­plied at European Patent Office (EPO) since 1978, in particular:


  • Priority, application, and publication number and dates
  • Title and abstract
  • Designated states for protection
  • Status of application
  • Main and secondary International Patent Classification (IPC) codes
  • Applicant’s name and address
  • Inventors’ names and addresses
  • References (citations) to prior-art patents and to non-patent literature


A major problem was that data are provided in a raw format. Data have been therefore thoroughly elaborated by ICRIOS to produce a cleaned and harmonized database: PATENTS-ICRIOS1. Data process­ing consisted mainly in a thorough work of clean­ing and standardization of rough in­forma­tion provided by the EPO. 
Such work of name standardization has been carried out at the level of individual inventors and applicants.
In addition to this, each patent document also reports further information not included in Patstat, (FI concordance tables to convert IPC codes into more aggregated and manageable technological classes2 or NUTS3). 
Data included in these reports are for EPO patent office only; last update has been released on 10/2016; starting date for EPO applications is 1978, bytheway in many reports by priority date you'll meat earlier dates.

The file, tab separated, can be downloaded from:

Note that, in compliance with GDPR, all addresses have been removed; the file also contains create table scripts for MySql.

1 For a detailed description of the algorithm please refer to Coffano, Monica and Tarasconi, Gianluca, Crios - Patstat Database: Sources, Contents and Access Rules (February 1, 2014). Available at SSRN:


2 Among them, we have often adopted a technol­ogy-ori­ented classifi­cation, jointly elabo­rated by Fraunhofer Gesellschaft-ISI (Karlsruhe), Institut National de la Propriété In­dus­trielle (INPI, Paris) and Observatoire des Sciences and des Techniques (OST, Paris). This classifica­tion aggre­gates all IPC codes into thirty tech­nology fields.