Image of Showreel 1 Research

Past Publications



  • Adams, Pamela; Fontana, Roberto; Malerba, Franco (2019), Linking vertically related industries: entry by spinouts across industry boundaries, Industrial and Corporate Change, —
  • Ayoubi, Charles; Pezzoni, Michele; Visentin, Fabiana (2019), The important thing is not to win, it is to take part: what if scientists benefit from participating in research grant competitions?, Research Policy, —
  • Capone, Gianluca; Malerba, Franco; Orsenigo, Luigi (2019), Spinoffs in contexts: entry and performance across industries, Industrial and Corporate Change, —
  • Conti, Raffaele; Gambardella, Alfonso; Novelli, Elena (2019), Specializing in general purpose technologies as a firm long-term strategy, Industrial and corporate Change, —
  • Contractor, Farok; Foss, Nicolai J.; Kundu, Sumit; Lahiri, Somnath (2019), Viewing global strategy through a microfoundations lens, Global Strategy Journal, —
  • Gambardella, Alfonso; Von Hippel, Eric (2019), Open sourcing as a profit-maximizing strategy for downstream firms, Strategy Science,
  • Li, Daitian; Capone, Gianluca; Malerba, Franco (2019), The long march to catch-up: a history-friendly model of China's mobile communications industry, Reseach Policy, —
  • Anderson, Tracy; Haas, Martine (2019), My Colleague Just Left! A Knowledge-Based Perspective on Co-Worker Departures, Advances in Strategic Management
  • Anderson, Tracy; Bidwell, Matthew (2019), Outside Insiders: Understanding the Role of Contracting in the Careers of Managerial Workers,Organization Science
  • Andresen, Maike; Apospori, Eleni; Gunz, Hugh; Agata Suzanne, Pamela; Taniguchi, Mami; I. Lysova, Evgenia; Adeleye, Ifedapo; Babalola, Olusegun; Bagdadli, Silvia…. Zikic, Jelena (2019). Careers in context: An international study of career goals as meso structure between societies' career‐related human potential and proactive career behavior, Human Resource Management Journal
  • Camuffo, Arnaldo; Secchi, Raffaele (2019). Lean implementation failures: the role of organizational ambidexterity, International Journal of Production Economics
  • Castellucci, Fabrizio; Slavich, Barbara (2019). Stir it up: how master-apprentice relationships affect the similarity of product offerings in high-end restaurants, Industrial and Corporate Change
  • Piazza, Alessandro; J. Phillips, Damon; Castellucci, Fabrizio (2019). High-Status Affiliations and the Success of Entrants: New Bands and the Market for Live Music Performances, 2000-2012, Organization Science
  • Chambers, Cassandra;  Baker, Wayne (2019). Robust Systems of Cooperation in the Presence of Rankings: How displaying prosocial contributions can offset the disruptive effects of performance rankings, Organization Science –
  •  Asmussen, Christian;  Fosfuri, Andrea (2019). Orchestrating corporate social responsibility in the multinational enterprise, Strategic Management Journal
  •  Gutierrez, Cedric;  Astebro, Thomas;  Obloj, Tomasz (2019). The Impact of Overconfidence and Ambiguity Attitude on Market Entry , Organization Science  –
  •  Jacqueminet, Anne;  Durand, Rodolphe (2019). Ups and Downs: The Role of Legitimacy Judgment Cues in Practice Implementation, Academy of Management Journal –
  •  Duysters, Geert;  Lavie, Dovev;  Sabidussi, Anna;  Stettner, Uriel (2019). WHAT DRIVES EXPLORATION? CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE OF EXPLORATION TENDENCIES AMONG ALLIANCE PARTNERS AND COMPETITORS , Academy of Management Journal 
  •  Tencati, Antonio;  Misani, Nicola;  Castaldi, Sandro (2019). A Qualified Account of Supererogation: Toward a Better Conceptualization of Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics Quarterly –
  •  Panico, Claudio;  Cennamo, Carmelo (2019). STRATEGIC INTERACTIONS AND THE NATURE OF INDIRECT NETWORK EFFECTS IN PLATFORM ECOSYSTEMS, Strategic Management Journal –
  •  Piazza, Alessandro;  Perretti, Fabrizio (2019). Firm Behavior and the Evolution of Activism: Strategic Decisions and the Emergence of Protest in U.S. Communities, Strategic Management Journal
  •  Pillai, Sandeep;  Goldfarb, Brent;  Kirsch, David (2019). The Origins of Firm Strategy: Learning by Economic Experimentation and Strategic Pivots in the Early Automobile Industry, Strategic Management Journal
  •  Campopiano, Giovanna;  Romana Rinaldi, Francesca;  Sciascia, Salvatore;  Vittorio De Massis, Alfredo (2019). Family and non-family women on the board of directors: Effects on corporate citizenship behavior in family-controlled fashion firms, Journal of Cleaner Production –
  •  Gomez-Solorzano, Manuel;  Tortoriello, Marco;  Soda, Beppe (2019). "INSTRUMENTAL AND AFFECTIVE TIES WITHIN THE LAB: THE IMPACT OF INFORMAL CLIQUES ON INNOVATIVE PRODUCTIVITY", Strategic Management Journal –




  • Amore, Mario Daniele (2018). Peer firms and board appointments in family firms, Regional Studies, ---.
  • Amore, Mario; Failla, Virgilio (2018), Pay dispersion and executive behavior: evidence from innovation, British Journal of Management, —
  • Amore, Mario Daniele; Minichilli, Alessandro (2018). Local political uncertainty, family control and investment behavior, Journal Of Financial And Quantitative Analysis. -
  • Barney, Jay B.; Foss, Nicolai J.; Lyngsie, Jacob (2018), The role of senior management in opportunity formation : direct involvement or reactive selection?, Strategic management Journal, —
  • Breschi, Stefano; Lissoni, Francesco; Miguelez, Ernest (2018), Return migrants' self-selection: evidence for indian inventors, University of Chicago Press
  • Calabro, Andrea; Minichilli, Alessandro; Amore, Mario; Brogi, Marina (2018). The courage to choose! Primogeniture and leadership succession in family firms, Strategic Management Journal. , ---
  • Camuffo, Arnaldo (2018) Risk allocation, supplier development and product innovation in automotive supply chains: a study of Nissan Europe, Springer
  • Camuffo, Arnaldo; Gambardella, Alfonso (2018), Decidere per competere, Egea
  • Camuffo, Arnaldo; Gerli, Fabrizio (2018), Modeling management behaviors in lean production environments, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, -
  • Castellaneta, Francesco; Salvato, Carlo (2018). Culminating events and time working together in top management teams: insights from private equity, Long Range Planning. , ---.
  • Cecere, Grazia; Corrocher, Nicoletta; Guerzoni, Marco (2018) Price or performance? A probabilistic choice analysis of the intention to buy electric vehicles in European countries, Energy policy, —
  • Chirico, Francesco; Salvato, Carlo; Byrne, Barbara; Akhter, Naveed; Arriaga Muzquiz, Juan (2018). Commitment escalation to a failing family business, Journal of Small Business Management. , ---.
  • Cillo, Paola; Griffith, David A.; Rubera, Gaia (2018), The new product portfolio innovativeness–stock returns relationship: the role of large individual investors’ culture, Journal of Marketing
  • Cirillo, Bruno; Breschi, Stefano; Prencipe, Andrea (2018), Divide to connect: reorganization through R&D unit spinout as linking context of intra-corporate networks, Research Policy
  • Corbetta, Guido (2018), La holding fa bene alla crescita, Economia & Management
  • Danneels, Erwin; Verona, Gianmario; Provera, Bernardino (2018). Overcoming the inertia of organizational competence: Olivetti?s transition from mechanical to electronic technology, Industrial and Corporate Change. , —
  • De Massis, Alfredo; Foss, Nicolai J. (2018), Advancing family business research: the promise of microfoundations, Family Business Review, —
  • Diodato, Dario; Malerba, Franco; Morrison, Andrea (2018), The made-in effect and leapfrogging: a model of leadership change for products with country-of-origin bias, European Economic Review, -
  • Estes, Zachary; Barsalou, Lawrence W.(2018), A comprehensive meta-analysis of spatial interference from linguistic cues: beyond Petrova et al. (2018), Psychological Science —
  • Estes, Zachary; Brotto, Luisa ; Busacca, Bruno (2018). The value of art in marketing: an emotion-based model of how artworks in ads improve product evaluations, Journal of Business Research. , ---.
  • Ferrara, Massimiliano; Mavilia, Roberto; Larosa, Francesca (2018), Inventive activity and knowledge flows in the Mediterranean area: A social network analysis based investigation approach, African journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development  —
  • Fosfuri, Andrea; Giarratana, Marco; Sebrek, Szabolcs Szilard (2018), Resource partitioning and strategies in markets for technology, Strategic organization, -
  • Foss, Nicolai J; Jensen, Henrik (2018), Managerial meta-knowledge and adaptation: Governance choice when firms don’t know their capabilities, Strategic Organization, —
  • Foss, Nicolai J.; Klein, Peter G.; Bjørnskov, Christian (2018), The context of entrepreneurial judgment: organizations, markets, and institutions, Journal of Management Studies, —
  • Giachetti, Claudio; Torrisi, Salvatore (2018), Following or running away from the market leader? The influences of environmental uncertainty and market leadership, European Management Review  - 
  • Giarratana, Marco; Weller, Ingo; Mariani, Myriam (2018). Rewards for patents and inventor behaviors in industrial research and development, Academy of Management Journal  -
  • Grandori, Anna; Furlotti, Marco (2018), Contracting for the unknown and the logic of innovation, European Management, Review, —
  • Hoffmann, Werner; Lavie, Dovev; Reuer, Jeffrey J.; Shipilov, Andrew (2018), The interplay of competition and cooperation, Strategic Management Journal, —
  • Malerba, Franco; Mckelvey, Maureen (2018), Knowledge-intensive innovative entrepreneurship integrating Schumpeter, evolutionary economics, and innovation systems, Small Business Economics, —
  • Monteiro, Guilherme Fowler A.; Foss, Nicolai (2018). Resources and market definition: rethinking the “hypothetical monopolist” from a resource-based perspective, Managerial and Decision Economics,  —
  • Montobbio, Fabio; Solito, Ilaria (2018), Does the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme foster innovation in European firms?, Business Strategy and the Environment, —

  • Peng, Mike W.; Sun, Wei; Vlas, Cristina; Minichilli, Alessandro; Corbetta, Guido (2018). Institution-based view on large family firms: a recap and overview, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. , ---.
  • Rahman, M. Saidur; Winn, Monika; Pogutz, Stefano (2018), Strategic shifts toward sustainability: the pivotal role of ecological knowledge, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, —
  • Salvato, Carlo; Vassolo, Roberto (2018). The sources of dynamism in dynamic capabilities, Strategic Management Journal. , ---.
  • Soda, Giuseppe; Tortoriello, Marco; Iorio, Alessandro (2018). Harvesting value from brokerage: individual strategic orientation, structural holes, and performance, Academy of Management journal. , ---.
  • Wilden, Ralf; Hohberger, Jan; Devinney, Timothy M.; Lavie, Dovev (2018),  Revisiting James March (1991): whither exploration and exploitation?, Strategic Organization, —





  • Amore, Mario Daniele (2017). Social capital and family control, Explorations in Economic History. 65, 106-114.
  • Amore, Mario Daniele; Miller, Danny; Le Breton-Miller, Isabelle; Corbetta, Guido (2017). For love and money: marital leadership in family firms, Journal of Corporate Finance. 46, 461-476.
  • Belvedere, Valeria; Grando, Alberto (2017). ICT-enabled time performance: an investigation of value creation mechanisms, Production Planning & Control. 28(1), 75-88.
  • Berrone, Pascual; Fosfuri, Andrea; Gelabert, Liliana (2017). Does greenwashing pay off? Understanding the relationship between environmental actions and environmental legitimacy, Journal of Business Ethics. 144(2), 363-379.
  • Bettinazzi, Emanuele L. M.; Zollo, Maurizio (2017). Stakeholder orientation and acquisition performance, Strategic Management Journal. 38(12), 2465-2485.
  • Bodas Freitas, Isabel; Castellacci, Fulvio; Fontana, Roberto; Malerba, Franco; Vezzulli, Andrea (2017). Sectors and the additionality effects of R&D tax credits: a cross-country microeconometric analysis, Research Policy. 46(1), 57-72.
  • Breschi, Stefano; Lissoni, Francesco; Miguelez, Ernest (2017). Foreign-origin inventors in the USA: testing for diaspora and brain gain effects, Journal of Economic Geography. , ---.
  • Camuffo, Arnaldo; De Stefano, Federica; Paolino, Chiara (2017). Safety reloaded: lean operations and high involvement work practices for sustainable workplaces, Journal of Business Ethics. 143(2), 245-259.
  • Castellucci, Fabrizio; Podolny, Joel M. (2017). The dynamics of position, capability, and market competition, INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE. 26(1), 21-39.
  • Corrocher, Nicoletta; Solito, Ilaria (2017). How do firms capture value from environmental innovations? An empirical analysis on European SMEs, Industry and Innovation. 24(5), 569-585.
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro; Mudambi, Ram; Pedersen, Torben; Piscitello, Lucia (2017). Research methodology in global strategy research, Global Strategy Journal. 7(3), 233-240.
  • Dasi, Angels; Pedersen, Torben; Gooderham, Paul N.; Elter, Frank; Hildrum, Jarle (2017). The effect of organizational separation on individuals? knowledge sharing in MNCs, Journal of World Business. 52(3), 431-446.
  • Delre, Sebastiano A.; Panico, Claudio; Wierenga, Berend (2017). Competitive strategies in the motion picture industry: an ABM to study investment decisions, International Journal of Research in Marketing. 34(1), 69-99.
  • Di Stefano, Giada; King, Andrew A.; Verona, Gianmario (2017). Too many cooks spoil the broth? Geographic concentration, social norms, and knowledge transfer, Advances in Strategic Management. 36, 267-308.
  • Fosfuri, Andrea; Helmers, Christian; Roux, Catherine (2017). Shared ownership of intangible property rights: the case of patent coassignments, The Journal of Legal Studies. 46(2), 339-369.
  • Gambardella, Alfonso; Harhof, Dietmarf; Verspagen, Bart (2017). The economic value of patent portfolios, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. 26(4), 735-756.
  • Gambardella, Alfonso; Raasch, Christina; Hippel, Eric von (2017). The user innovation paradigm: impacts on markets and welfare, Management Science. 63(5), 1450-1468.
  • Giarratana, Marco; Weller, Ingo; Mariani, Myriam (2017). Rewards for patents and inventor behaviors in industrial R&D, Academy of Management journal. , ---.
  • Hernandez, Virginia; Pedersen, Torben (2017). Global value chain configuration: a review and research agenda, Business Research Quarterly. 20(2), 137-150.
  • Landini, Fabio; Lee, Keun; Malerba, Franco (2017). A history-friendly model of the successive changes in industrial leadership and the catch-up by latecomers, Research Policy. 46(2), 431-446.
  • Lee, Keun; Malerba, Franco (2017). Catch-up cycles and changes in industrial leadership: windows of opportunity and responses of firms and countries in the evolution of sectoral systems, Research Policy. 46(2), 338-351.
  • Mariani, Myriam; Hoisl, Karin (2017). It?s a man?s job: income and the gender gap in industrial research, Management Science. 63(3), 766-790.
  • Merlo, Elisabetta; Perugini, Mario (2017). Making italian fashion global: brand building and management at Gruppo Finanziario Tessile (1950s?1990s), Business History. , ---.
  • Miller, Danny; Le Breton-Miller, Isabelle; Amore, Mario Daniele ; Minichilli, Alessandro; Corbetta, Guido (2017). Institutional logics, family firm governance and performance, Journal of Business Venturing. 32(6), 674-693.
  • Panico, Claudio (2017). Strategic interaction in alliances, Strategic Management Journal. 38(8), 1646-1667.
  • Salvato, Carlo; Reuer, Jeffrey Jon; Battigalli, Pierpaolo (2017). Cooperation across disciplines: a multilevel perspective on cooperative behavior in governing interfirm relations, The Academy of Management Annals. 11(2), 960-1004.
  • Salvato, Carlo; Rerup, Claus (2017). Routine regulation: balancing conflicting goals in organizational routines, Administrative Science Quarterly. , ---.
  • Sebastiano, Antonio; Belvedere, Valeria; Grando, Alberto; Giangreco, Antonio (2017). The effect of capacity management strategies on employees' well-being: a quantitative investigation into the long-term healthcare industry, European Management Journal.
  • Soda, Giuseppe; Stea, Diego; Pedersen, Torben (2017). Network structure, collaborative context, and individual creativity, Journal of Management, ---.
  • Stea, Diego; Pedersen, Torben (2017). Not all brokers are alike: creative implications of brokering networks in different work functions, Human Relations. 70(6), 668-693.
  • Stea, Diego; Pedersen, Torben; Foss, Nicolai J. (2017). The relational antecedents of interpersonal helping: "quantity", "quality" or both?, British Journal Of Management. 28(2), 197-212.
  • Visintin, Francesca; Pittino, Daniel; Minichilli, Alessandro (2017). Financial performance and non?family CEO turnover in private family firms under different conditions of ownership and governance, Corporate Governance. 25(5), 312-337.
  • Williams, Frederick Charles; Chen, Pao-Lien;  Agarwal, Rajshree (2017). Rookies and seasoned recruits: how experience in different levels, firms, and industries shapes strategic renewal in top management, Strategic Management Journal. 38(7), 1391-1415.
  • Yu, Jiang; Malerba, Franco; Adams, Pamela; Zhang, Yue (2017). Related yet diverging sectoral systems: telecommunications equipment and semiconductors in China, Industry and Innovation. 24(2), 190-212.
  • Zollo, Maurizio; Minoja, Mario; Coda, Vittorio (2017). Towards an Integrated theory of strategy, Strategic Management Journal. , ---.





  • Adams, Pamela; Fontana, Roberto; Malerba, Franco (2016). User-industry spinouts: downstream industry knowledge as a source of new firm entry and survival, Organization Science. 27(1), 18-35.  DOI:
  • Addis, Birhanu; Alfonso, Gambardella; Giovanni, Valentini (2016). Bribery and investment: firm-level evidence from Africa and Latin America,  Strategic Management Journal. 37(9), 1865-1877.  DOI:
  • Amatori, Franco (2016). The burden of the family company: Leopoldo Pirelli and his times, BUSINESS HISTORY. 58(7), 1008-1033.  DOI:
  • Amore, Mario Daniele; Bennedsen, Morten (2016). Corporate governance and green innovation, Journal Of Environmental Economics And Management. 75, 54-72. DOI:
  • Amore, Mario Daniele; Garofalo, Orsola (2016). Executive gender, competitive pressures, and corporate performance,  Journal Of Economic Behavior & Organization. 131(Part A), 308-327.  DOI:
  • Anderssona, Ulf; Dasic, Angels; Mudambid, Ram; Pedersen, Torben (2016). Technology, innovation and knowledge: the importance of ideas and international connectivity, Journal Of World Business. 51(1), 153-162.  DOI:
  • Asmussen, Christian Geisler; Larsen, Marcus M.; Pedersen, Torben (2016). Organizational adaptation in offshoring: the relative performance of home- and host-based learning strategies, Organization Science. 27(4), 911-928.  DOI:
  • Balland, Pierre-Alexandre; Belso-Martinez, Jose Antonio; Morrison, Andrea (2016). The dynamics of technical and business knowledge networks in industrial clusters: embeddedness, status, or proximity?,  Economic Geography. 92(1), 35-60. DOI:
  • Barroso, Alicia; Giarratana, Marco; Dias Dos Reis, Samira; Sorenson, Olav (2016). Crowding, satiation, and saturation: the days of television series' lives, Strategic Management Journal. 37(3), 565-585. DOI:
  • Belvedere, Valeria; Grando, Alberto; Legenvre, Herve (2016). Testing the EFQM model as a framework to measure a company?s procurement performance, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, -
  • Binacci, Martina; Peruffo, Enzo; Oriani, Raffaele; Minichilli, Alessandro (2016). Are all non-family managers (NFMs) equal? The impact of NFM characteristics and diversity on family firm performance,  Corporate Governance. 24(6), 569-583.  DOI:
  • Boellis, Andrea; Mariotti, Sergio; Minichilli, Alessandro; Piscitello, Lucia (2016). Family involvement and firms? establishment mode choice in foreign markets, Journal of International Business Studies. 47(8), 929-950.  DOI:
  • Breschi, Stefano; Lenzi, Camilla (2016). Co-invention networks and inventive productivity in US cities, Journal of Urban Economics. 92(Mar.), 66-75. DOI:
  • Cabigiosu, Anna; Camuffo, Arnaldo (2016). Measuring modularity: engineering and management effects of different approaches,  Ieee Transactions on Engineering Management. , ---.  DOI:
  • Cennamo, Carmelo (2016). Building the value of next-generation platforms: the paradox of diminishing returns, Journal of Management. , ---.
  • Chirico, Francesco; Salvato, Carlo (2016). Knowledge internalization and product development in family firms: when relational and affective factors matter, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 40(1), 201-229.  DOI:
  • Corrocher, Nicoletta (2016). Stringency of regulation and innovation in waste management: an empirical analysis on EU countries,  Industry and Innovation. 23(7), 625-646.  DOI:
  • Crilly, Donal; Hansen, Morten; Zollo, Maurizio (2016). The grammar of decoupling: a cognitive-linguistic perspective on firms? Sustainability claims and stakeholders? Interpretation, Academy Of Management Journal. 59(2), 705-729. DOI:
  • Dutt, Nilanjana; Hawn, Olga; Vidal, Elena; Chatterji, Aaron; McGahan, Anita; Mitchell, Will (2016). How open systems intermediaries address institutional failures: the case of business incubators in emerging-market countries, Academy Of Management Journal.
  • Ferrara, Massimiliano; Mavilia, Roberto; Lamperti, Francesco (2016). Looking for best performers: a pilot study towards the evaluation of science parks, Scientometrics. 106(2), 717-750.  DOI:
  • Fontana, Roberto; Vezzulli, Andrea (2016). Technological leadership and persistence in product innovation in the Local Area Network industry 1990/1999, Research Policy. 45(8), 1604-1619.  DOI:
  • Fosfuri, Andrea; Giarratana, Marco; Roca, Esther (2016). Social business hybrids: demand externalities, competitive advantage, and growth through diversification, Organization Science. 27(5), 1275-1289. DOI:
  • Grandori, Anna (2016). Knowledge-intensive work and the (re)emergence of democratic governance, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES. 30(2), 167-181.  DOI:
  • Guest, Duncan; Estes, Zachary; Gibbert, Michael; Mazursky, David (2016). Brand suicide: Memory and liking of negative brand names, Plos One. 11(3), ---.  DOI:
  • Guest, Duncan; Gibbert, Michael; Estes, Zachary; Mazursky, David; Lam, Michael (2016). Modulation of taxonomic (versus thematic) similarity judgments and product choices by inducing local and global processing, Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 28(8), 1013.
  • Lioukas, Constantinos S.; Reuer, Jeffrey J.; Zollo, Maurizio (2016). Effects of information technology capabilities on strategic alliances: implications for the resource-based view, Journal of Management Studies. 53(2), 161-183. DOI:
  • Minichilli, Alessandro; Brogi, Marina; Calabro, Andrea (2016). Weathering the storm: family ownership, governance, and performance through the financial and economic crisis, Corporate Governance. 24(6), 552-568.  DOI:
  • Prandelli, Emanuela; Pasquini, Martina; Verona, Gianmario (2016). In user's shoes: an experimental design on the role of perspective taking in discovering entrepreneurial opportunities, Journal of Business Venturing. 31(3), 287-301. DOI:
  • Rinaldi, Alberto; Vasta, Michelangelo; Colli, Andrea (2016). The only way to grow: Italian business groups in historical perspective, Business History. 58(1), 30-48. DOI:
  • Secchi, Raffaele; Camuffo, Arnaldo (2016). Rolling out lean production systems: a knowledge-based perspective, International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 36(1), 61-85. DOI:
  • Slavich, Barbara; Castellucci, Fabrizio (2016). Wishing upon a star: how apprentice-master similarity, status and career stage affect critics? evaluations of former apprentices in the haute cuisine industry, Organization Studies. 37(6), 823-843. DOI:
  • Slavova, Kremena; Fosfuri, Andrea; De Castro, Julio O. (2016). Learning by hiring: the effects of scientists; inbound mobility on research performance in academia, Organization Science. 27(1), 72-89. DOI:
  • Streicher, Mathias C.; Estes, Zachary (2016). Multisensory interaction in product choice: grasping a product affects choice of other seen products, Journal of Consumer Psychology. 26(4), 558-565. DOI:
  • Streicher, Mathias C.; Estes, Zachary (2016). Shopping to and from: ideomotor compatibility of arm posture and product choice, Journal of Consumer Psychology. 26(3), 325-336. DOI:
  • Torrisia, Salvatore; Gambardella, Alfonso; Giuria, Paola; Harhoff, Dietmar; Hoislc, Karin; Mariani, Myriam (2016). Used, blocking and sleeping patents: empirical evidence from a large-scale inventor survey, Research Policy. 45(7), 1374-1385. DOI:
  • Valentini, Giovanni (2016). The impact of M&A on rivals' innovation strategy, Long Range Planning. 49(2), 241-249. DOI:
  • Zirulia, Lorenzo (2016). 'Should I stay or should I go?' Weather forecasts and the economics of 'short breaks?, Tourism Economics. 22(4), 837-846.  DOI:
  • Zollo, Maurizio; Bettinazzi, Emanuele L.M.; Neumann, Kerstin; Snoeren, Peter (2016). Toward a comprehensive model of organizational evolution: dynamic capabilities for innovation and adaptation of the enterprise model, Global Strategy Journal. 6(3), 225-2.





  • Adelman, James S; Estes, Zachary (2015). Why to treat subjects as fixed effects, Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory and Cognition. 41(5), 1602-1605. DOI:
  • Agarwal, Rajshree; Buenstorf, Guido; Cohen, Wesley M.; Malerba, Franco (2015). The legacy of Steven Klepper: industry evolution, entrepreneurship, and geography, Industrial and Corporate Change. 24(4), 739-753. DOI:
  • Amore, Mario Daniele (2015). Companies learning to innovate in recessions, Research Policy. 44(8), 1574-1583. DOI:
  • Bertocchi, Graziella; Gambardella, Alfonso; Jappelli, Tullio; Nappi, Carmela A.; Peracchi, Franco (2015). Bibliometric evaluation vs. informed peer review: evidence from Italy, Research Policy. 44(2), 451-466.  DOI:
  • Breschi, Stefano; Lenzi, Camilla (2015). The role of external linkages and gatekeepers for the renewal and expansion of US cities' knowledge base, 1990?2004, Regional Studies. 49(5), 782-797. DOI:
  • Broekel, Tom; Fornahl, Dirk; Morrison, Andrea (2015). Another cluster premium: Innovation subsidies and R&D collaboration networks, Research Policy. 44(8), 1431-1444. DOI:
  • Burcharth, Ana Luiza de Arau'jo; Fosfuri, Andrea (2015). Not invented here: how institutionalized socialization practices affect the formation of negative attitudes toward external knowledge, Industrial and Corporate Change. 24(2), 281-305.  DOI:
  • Castellaneta, Francesco; Zollo, Maurizio (2015). The dimensions of experiential learning in the management of activity load, Organization Science. 26(1), 140-157.  DOI:
  • Cennamo, Carmelo; Santalo, Juan (2015). How to avoid platform traps, Mit Sloan Management Review. 57(1), 12-15.
  • Colli, Andrea; Rinaldi, Alberto (2015). Institutions, politics, and the corporate economy, Enterprise & Society. 16(2), 249-269. DOI:
  • Colli, Andrea; Vasta, Michelangelo (2015). Large and entangled: Italian business groups in the long run, Business History. 57(1), 64-96.  DOI:
  • Cusmano, Lucia; Morrison, Andrea; Pandolfo, Enrico (2015). Spin-offand clustering: a return to the Marshallian district, Cambridge Journal of Economics. 39(1), 49-66.  DOI:
  • Di Stefano, Giada; King, Andrew A.; Verona, Gianmario (2015). Sanctioning in the wild: rational calculus and retributive instincts in gourmet cuisine, Academy Of Management Journal. 58(3), 906-931. DOI:
  • Ertug, G.; Castellucci, Fabrizio (2015). Who shall get more? How intangible assets and aspiration levels affect the valuation of resource providers, Strategic Organization. 13(1), 6-31. DOI:
  • Estes, Zachary; Verges, Michelle; Adelman, James S. (2015). Words, objects, and locations: perceptual matching explains spatial interference and facilitation, Journal of Memory and Language. 84(Oct.), 167-189. DOI:
  • Fontana, Roberto; Zirulia, Lorenzo (2015). ??then came Cisco, and the rest is history?: a history friendly? model of the Local Area Networking industry, Journal Of Evolutionary Economics. 25(5), 875-899. DOI:
  • Fosfuri, Andrea; Giarratana, Marco; Roca, Esther (2015). Walking a slippery line: investments in social values and product longevity, Strategic Management Journal. 36(11), 1750-1760. DOI:
  • Foss, Nicolai J.; Pedersen, Torben; Fosgaard, Mia Reinholt; Stea, Diego (2015). Why complementary HRM practices impact performance: the case of rewards, job design, and work climate in a knowledge-sharing context, Human Resource Management. 54(6), 955-976.
  • Gambardella, Alfonso; Ganco, Martin; Honore, Florence (2015). Using what you know: patented knowledge in incumbent firms and employee entrepreneurship, Organization Science. 26(2), 456-474. DOI:
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