Alessandro Minichilli

I am Full Professor of the Management & Technology Department of Bocconi University. I am also Professor of Corporate Governance and Family Business at SDA Bocconi, where I direct the Corporate Governance Lab, and co-direct the eSG Lab – excellence for Governance and Sustainability in SMEs. From 2017 to 2020 I have also been Director of Research at SDA. I am an active researcher and educator on the topics of ownership and governance design, especially of family-controlled firms. On these issues, I have published several scientific articles, and I actively contribute in editorial boards of journals. I holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management from Bocconi University. I am married and have three children.
My research interest revolves around the impact of ownership and governance design on decision-making processes and strategic outcomes of various types of corporates. Specifically, I am concerned in understanding how owners’ identity and goals, as well as their individual and collective preferences, values, and emotions, can shape strategic decisions. In this respect, the research aims also to understand how corporate governance can be an effective way to mitigate risks of owners’ abuses over the company. More broadly, my aim is to investigate how an “owners’ driven” corporate governance in different types of firms, of different sizes, public and private can respond to increasing challenges in the society in terms of mitigating risks, increasing innovation, and respond to compelling social and environmental challenges.
My research and teaching activities point at the intersection between the corporate governance structure of the firm, its top management team and leadership, and the related ways through which institutional and ownership goals are reflected into corporate and business strategy.