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Renee Adams (UNSW Business School, Australia)
* joint with the Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management
Room 4-E4-SR03 (via Rontgen)
Constance Helfat (Tuck School of Business)
"Shaping, Searching and Endogenous Selection: The Quest for Superior Performance"
Room 4-E4-SR03 (via Rontgen
Michael Jacobides (London Business School)
Paradigm Shift or Label Profusion? A critical examination of Ecosystems in Strategy Research
Room 4-E4-SR03 (via Rontgen)
Rocio Bonet (IE Business School)
Room 4-E4-SR03 (via Rontgen)
Michael Russo (University of Oregon)
"Geography, Personal Values, and Hybrid Companies: An Empirical Exploration"
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Will Mitchell (Rotman School of Management)
Room 4-E4-SR01 (via Rontgen)
John A. Mathews (Macquarie University of Sydney)
"Greening of Capitalism: China's Green Development Model as the Driver"
Room 4-E4-SR01 (via Rontgen)
Gino Cattani (Stern School of Business, New York University)
"Committment to Craftsmanship: The Story of Steinway & Sons"
Room 4-E4-SR01 (via Rontgen)
Michael G. Jacobides (London Business School)
"A Look at the Dark Side of Business Model Innovation: Epistemic Ignorance, Systemic Side-effects and the 2008 Financial Crisis"
Room 4-C4-SR02 (via Rontgen)
Ivan Savin (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
"Emergence of Innovation Networks from R&D Cooperation with Endogenous Absorptive Capacity"