Thorsten Grohsjean

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Management and Technology and an ICRIOS fellow at Bocconi University since September 2016. Before joining Bocconi University, I worked between 2012 and 2016 as a junior professor for strategy and organization in technology-intensive industries at LMU Munich. From 2011 to 2012, I was a research associate in the innovation and entrepreneurship group at Imperial College London. I hold a Ph.D. in Management and a Master of Business Research from the LMU Munich and a Diploma in Management from the University of Mannheim.
Using large-scale archival and experimental data my research focusses on the question how individuals and firms overcome the challenges associated with the acquisition and development of new knowledge, skills and abilities. I thereby focus on employee mobility, problem solving and innovation as the main modes of acquiring and developing human and social capital. The challenges, I am interested in, include threats to identity, coordination, and cognitive biases. My work is published or forthcoming in Academy of Management Journal (2x), Organization Science, the Journal of World Business, and the International Journal of Industrial Organization. Practitioner-oriented versions of my research appeared in MIT Sloan Management Review and Harvard Business Review. Since 2020 I serve on the editorial review board of Strategic Management Journal.